

     In 2015 Chinese media service Xinhua announced that Chinese government set police in giant internet companies for security reasons. There was an audition from other companies also about improving internet precautions, but no one really said anything about embedding police in those Companies. Alibaba, Sina Weibo, Baidu and many others issued a statement " We work with Chinese authorities to combat illegal and criminal activities on the internet. It is our priority to maintain the reliability and security of our platforms to protect our customers. ".     People may wonder what is the reason for all of that? Unfortunately It is impossible to say directly, but chinese population easily fell victim to cyber attacks, scams, Internet fishing etc. Due to aforementioned reason Government tried to stabilize social security in the expense of privacy. Do you agree that, security without privacy is not security at all?      Of course many people contradic...


      Kevin Mitnick an American Computer Security Consultant suggested in his books that security comes from technology, training and policy. Today I would like to share some experience about Georgia's cyber security.      Some may argue about Georgia's cyber security, but I would like to mention every aspects of it. Firstly, If we visit Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia's or Central Criminal Police Department's page we will se that daily there many arrests in dark web, especially those who are dealing with drugs and illegal weapons. We all know the geographical area of Georgia in the middle of Europe and Asia and under the nowadays' biggest problem Russia. So, lots of transportation comes trough us. I can recall when I was doing training program in MIA department of Cyber Division, that the main problem was training of employees and corrupted resources. Besides that, the team of operators still managed and are managing to do work. Why there are no tr...


      Nowadays, we live in the era of technology. Information can be exchanged all over the world within seconds. One little mistake, can become huge problem. What should we do to avoid it?     Firstly, It would be good practice to implement better design, because before making mistake it must be seen easily. For example, on January 13, 2018, Hawaii residents were on the receiving end of the shock of their lives. False alarm by employee at Hawaii Emergency Management Agency "BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL". During that time, the period was tensed with North Korea and residents started panicking. After 30 minutes, mistake was issued . Richard Rapoza, a spokesperson for the agency, said it was due to human error. It is something we hear everywhere. It was just one false click that made situation distressed. How could we avoid it ?  Strong colors are easier for our eyes to detect for some wrongdoing. For...

Week 8

 Georgia is a country located at the intersection of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. It is part of Caucasus region. Well what i would like to say is that geographically we had contact with Asian and European countries and civilization has been emerged likewise. Georgian's are very talented but lazy, most of us. We sent many Georgian IT students in MIT, Google, Facebook. One 23 year old Shota Zhvania, started working in Tesla's office in Berlin as a developer. Also Lako Grigalashvili girl, who started working in Amazon and we have many talented IT staff, but they are not famous even in Georgia and there are reasons for that. Due to strict political regime in Georgia and corruption, it is very difficult to maintain your status. Mafia is always after rich and successful people and to be also more direct, it is not always safe to just walk in the streets. That is why many people, prefer to be unnoticed and 90% of them leave the country. Children from very early age are interested ...

Week 7 Know where you are in cyberspace

 I can never forget first time i had access to internet i was very little kid less than 5 years old when i saw people chatting over the internet from different places. Firstly it seemed regular just because i didn't have the knowledge what was happening and then i started to realize. Cyberspace is full of users and they are near us talking about something and we can hear it. You really cannot feel the distance anymore. Whether, it is good or not, it is fascinating. Cyberspace is everywhere and still we don't know what it is. One of the Ten Commandments by Virginia Shea "Know where you are in cybersapce"... As easy as it may sound, it is not very understandable and difficult to explain, but let's start asking ourselves questions, how do we communicate with millions of people within seconds. Practically, it is impossible, but enormous space and speed simplifies the action. "Lurk before you leap: Learning the rules of the space you want to be in". Lots of p...

Week - 6 Copyleft

Intro      While Copyleft can be granted to users to change and distribute the intellectual property under the derivation of the "host", Copyright exists in order to protect author of documentation. During the Copyleft author is capable of placing his/her copyright into the document. Strong Copyleft     As I said Copyleft is set to guarantee the freedom of the software distribution and modification but first creator has most of the rights. It means source code should be available with the copy of a license and acknowledgment from author. Lets mention a little bit of history. Firstly we met Copyleft license in 1985 by Richard Stallman the Emacs General Public License  and it is still used in many copylefted software such as GNU. But everything is not as easy as it seems. While you are in the head of a company and trying to choose between licenses you should carefully think about it. What kind of company business are you going to deal with in the future? What...

The Case For Copyright Reform week-5

Copyright is unbalanced in many aspects of our everyday life and compared to last two decades It became big problem. Of course copyright law should exist in order to avoid plagiarism, ownership, shareware etc. But it must be regulated.   Even though, we face regulation problems in internet my opinion about The Pirate Party is equivocal. Copyright regulation introduces lots of vulnerabilities for millions of users. As mentioned in the Rick Falkvinges’ and Christian Engström s’ book The case for copyright reform, the content cannot be filtered without surveillance and how does that feel for other users who even don’t know about content. Its’ true that mostly we by ourselves agree on privacy policies in internet when visiting specific website, but still not fair. Sharing content between peers without any commercial use should not be an issue. Netflix for example is very good example. People often say that we download torrent movies so that we can watch offline and it is true. Netf...