Week 7 Know where you are in cyberspace

 I can never forget first time i had access to internet i was very little kid less than 5 years old when i saw people chatting over the internet from different places. Firstly it seemed regular just because i didn't have the knowledge what was happening and then i started to realize. Cyberspace is full of users and they are near us talking about something and we can hear it. You really cannot feel the distance anymore. Whether, it is good or not, it is fascinating. Cyberspace is everywhere and still we don't know what it is. One of the Ten Commandments by Virginia Shea "Know where you are in cybersapce"...

As easy as it may sound, it is not very understandable and difficult to explain, but let's start asking ourselves questions, how do we communicate with millions of people within seconds. Practically, it is impossible, but enormous space and speed simplifies the action. "Lurk before you leap: Learning the rules of the space you want to be in". Lots of people use internet still not understanding a thing leads to enormous problems. Vulnerabilities, many fishing websites are successful against little kids and older people who are new to technology. Many grannies banking data had been stolen, and as simple as it seems, it may bring "disaster".

More or the less, another big problem we face nowaday's is privacy policy of each website. Me by myself is very lazy when it comes to reading some big information online, such as facebook privacy policy or google's privacy policy. I just click i accept, because i want the process to go fast. But what i have done after clicking it? There are people who know more about me than myself, with the help of me. I gave that permission. And there are many people doing similar to me. And what happens on the other side, what can really happen. One day, you wake up and decide to go to USA. You had successful flight and in airport police runs towards you with guns and everything. You don't understand why? The answer is that, someone used your stolen credentials to create fake passport, got himself or herself into trouble and his real name is clean, but yours'? We can never be sure who has our data and how much do they know? That is why we should learn where are we going before we go there.


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