Week 1


    Some of you heard about unfinished complaints from users to their mobile phones and I will try to discuss one of the main highlights from recent events. Samsung Galaxy Note 7 people who have not heard about it was officially released on 19 August 2016 and it was the first mobile device with C-Type USB connector. People loved that phone, for its' beauty and capabilities, the quality and construction "were praised". Of course the price was high due to its' "new level" hardware, but that was not the main issue with that. On 2 September 2016, first informal announcement about Galaxy Note 7's batteries, which generated excessive heat lead phones to fire. Undoubtedly, the stock of Samsung company plunged, but the consequences were inadmissible. The company itself was not typically associated with low-cost, low-quality components. Moreover, Samsung was supplier for Apple's Iphone and after that loyalists were surprised.

    On the 7th of August 2019 over hundred flights of British Airways were cancelled and near to 300 delayed. It is the period when computer system in Britain went down and thousands of people who were late for their arrival and accidentally stuck in an Airport. They referred it to Dante's Inferno. "Technical Issue" was of course the reason, which was said to be fixed, but it happened again. Problem in general was not major. Two seperate systems were working on different tasks and finally it screwed up. 

    On March 18th 2018 in a test drive  self-driving tesla car killed a pedestrian in Arizona. Whose fault was it ?. It is complicated to answer on that, but it is undeniable that touchscreen regulators were  unsolved in Model S and Model X. Statistics show that it will increase the risk of crashes. Early the problem was in memory chip which could affect range of security issues such as the loss of rear-view camera, heating and self-driving issue. Besides that, we know very well that tesla cars are not cheap. With price comes lots of attribute and when it comes to "fail that test", complaints increase, uneven panels gaps, misaligned trim, and paint defects. These are common ones. In June 2020, new Model Y owners uploaded picture online showing that seats and seatbelts  were not attached. On 4th October 2020, in reddit one of the famous tesla memes was car with a "flying roof ". Well I cannot deny tesla's achievements in battery prolong life and its' speed compared to other electric car manufacturers, but every details matter.

                Final topic i would like to discuss it with you for today is Tesco Cyber-attack. Tesco is British multidimensional merchandise and it is third largess retailer. In July 2019, the company suffered from frauds, who succeeded in fishing and withdrawing from thousands of banks and hundred thousands of accounts. Tesco was forced to freeze, it is likely they did not have resources to backup. This is how it happened "The attack started at 02:00 on Saturday, 5 November 2016; by 04:00, Tesco Bank's fraud analysis and detection system started sending automatic text messages to the bank's personal current account holders asking them to call about "suspicious activity" on their accounts, which is how the bank itself first became aware of the attack."











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