Week 8

 Georgia is a country located at the intersection of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. It is part of Caucasus region. Well what i would like to say is that geographically we had contact with Asian and European countries and civilization has been emerged likewise. Georgian's are very talented but lazy, most of us. We sent many Georgian IT students in MIT, Google, Facebook. One 23 year old Shota Zhvania, started working in Tesla's office in Berlin as a developer. Also Lako Grigalashvili girl, who started working in Amazon and we have many talented IT staff, but they are not famous even in Georgia and there are reasons for that. Due to strict political regime in Georgia and corruption, it is very difficult to maintain your status. Mafia is always after rich and successful people and to be also more direct, it is not always safe to just walk in the streets. That is why many people, prefer to be unnoticed and 90% of them leave the country. Children from very early age are interested in computers and understand lots of basic technologies before 10 and 12 years, such as IP addresses, making Online MMORPG games, etc. When we are talking about IT depiction in Georgia we should firstly mentioned Online Banking System. TBC Bank has very comfortable online banking system, which outclass German, Estonian and many European Online banking system. As i recall TBC bank developed first online banking system on mobile phones. Developers we have quite something. During last Government, our security was on quite high level, because every Georgian talent who was outside the country were invited to work for their country. With little resources, MIA done unimaginable things in cyber space and outside cyber space also, with the help of IT. You can't even imagine on how little resources i am even talking about. Our IT pros, provide knowledge mainly in computer science and mathematics. We have one of the strongest national team in mathematics who win many championships in Europe(I don't approve America as a talent for mathematics). One thing is that Georgians have attitude of doing something in the last second. As I mentioned we are very lazy and always trying to do things very easily way, I am not ashamed of it, we just don't like stressing ourselves. The only problem I see is corruption in eveything and that is where all problems start. That is why we are not seen among leading countries. What can i say about IT staff. Everyone runs from country and only old generation are left of who think being computer scientist or IT engineer is something like installing windows or fixing printer? In 2008 we had first video stream platform called avoe.ge which is converted now into imovies.cc and adjaranet.com who host movies. Before netflix(2010) you could watch movies online on avoe.ge and also download cracked games. Because of my little knowledge about Georgian IT guys, I cannot provide much more and believe there are lot more done than said, but i think it is enough to create good impression.


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