
     Kevin Mitnick an American Computer Security Consultant suggested in his books that security comes from technology, training and policy. Today I would like to share some experience about Georgia's cyber security. 

    Some may argue about Georgia's cyber security, but I would like to mention every aspects of it. Firstly, If we visit Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia's or Central Criminal Police Department's page we will se that daily there many arrests in dark web, especially those who are dealing with drugs and illegal weapons. We all know the geographical area of Georgia in the middle of Europe and Asia and under the nowadays' biggest problem Russia. So, lots of transportation comes trough us. I can recall when I was doing training program in MIA department of Cyber Division, that the main problem was training of employees and corrupted resources. Besides that, the team of operators still managed and are managing to do work. Why there are no trainings? Because, heads of departments are afraid for better competitor in their department, not to take their place. Yes, it is like no one loves someone smarter than them. I had good relationship with operators and I could see that their motivation was down, because they did not learn anything new. They had old computers with pentium gold processor. Can you imagine? Also only 3 rooms were for the whole Georgia's Cyber Defense division(This was during last year's pandemic. I hope it changed for now). Do you understand the situation? Few people works in Cyber Defense, because no one knows. 

    Let's talk about policy. We have very strict policy about cyber crime https://police.ge/files/pdf/kiber_danashauli/Convention%20on%20Cybercrime%20GEO.pdf. You can visit webpage if you understand Georgian. The convention itself was created in Budapest in 23.11.2001. That is the period where Georgia was really in a very bad situation(Revolutions). Mainly, important informations are extracted from devices after a person is arrested or is suspected. Well the forensic department is really good in MIA. I also done training in there, using new software such as XRY, CELLEBRITE and USA'S MIA does many trainings in that department. That's why it works better then Cyber Division. I remember there was an attack on President in 2019, December 15th. And that information came to us in February 2020, and there was deleted logs by hacker who hacked into database, and the track was very clear, done by professional. The problem was we catched, somehow the hacker but could not prove that he was a suspect, due to old policy. It is strict, but old. 

    Technology is at very low level. Even in Organizational departments, it is very visible especially during dealing newer phones, computers and other devices. To say the truth, I don't know why. Georgia has lots of resources, but corruption and government, don't want to say it but people already can't deal with it. The biggest problem in Georgia, is government and their activity. Old generation, and their young relatives betrayed the country and "Nordic Bear" buys people very easily. So if someone want's to start something that is really beneficial for Country, he/she is may killed or silenced. No one wants in "upper divisions" stronger and educated people in my country, nor their technology to have.


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