
     Nowadays, we live in the era of technology. Information can be exchanged all over the world within seconds. One little mistake, can become huge problem. What should we do to avoid it?

    Firstly, It would be good practice to implement better design, because before making mistake it must be seen easily. For example, on January 13, 2018, Hawaii residents were on the receiving end of the shock of their lives. False alarm by employee at Hawaii Emergency Management Agency "BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL". During that time, the period was tensed with North Korea and residents started panicking. After 30 minutes, mistake was issued .

Richard Rapoza, a spokesperson for the agency, said it was due to human error. It is something we hear everywhere. It was just one false click that made situation distressed. How could we avoid it ? 

Strong colors are easier for our eyes to detect for some wrongdoing. For good design time and effort is needed, if not we may encounter enormous problems.

    Secondly, I would like to recall USS Vincennes Incident. USS Vincennes mistakenly shot down Iran Air Flight 655. 
    -Vincennes: Aegis Class Cruiser with advanced tracking radar
    -IA 655: Airbus A300, but misidentified as an Iranian Air Force F-14.
This occurred in July 3, 1988.
    Story behind it. Iran and Iraq were in the middle of the war and Iranian speedboats were shooting tankers, which were transporting oil etc. The radar thought, it was Air Force F-14 Tomcat but in reality it was airliner. The disaster was caused by human error, poor decision making, system deficiencies and lack of training. I would like to talk more about system deficiencies of the system itself. And by system I don't simply mean the Aegis Computer. I mean the complete interaction between human and computer. The system was not intended for small-craft battles in enclosed area. Combat Information Center didn't provide any visual picture of the area. Stressful time and tension. Radar displayed violated Proximity Compatibility Principle.


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