The Case For Copyright Reform week-5

Copyright is unbalanced in many aspects of our everyday life and compared to last two decades It became big problem. Of course copyright law should exist in order to avoid plagiarism, ownership, shareware etc. But it must be regulated.


Even though, we face regulation problems in internet my opinion about The Pirate Party is equivocal. Copyright regulation introduces lots of vulnerabilities for millions of users. As mentioned in the Rick Falkvinges’ and Christian Engströms’ book The case for copyright reform, the content cannot be filtered without surveillance and how does that feel for other users who even don’t know about content. Its’ true that mostly we by ourselves agree on privacy policies in internet when visiting specific website, but still not fair. Sharing content between peers without any commercial use should not be an issue. Netflix for example is very good example. People often say that we download torrent movies so that we can watch offline and it is true. Netflix has inner download of the movies that exist on that website but if you try to stream or capture the movie from your device, the screen would be blank. Lets observe the problem here. Netflix gives you possibility to download the movie so that you can watch offline but you can’t really by a program, which means that application has access to hardware and other programs. Well professionals may argue about that.


On the other hand, without filtering it is hard to distinguish if shared content is for commercial use or only for peer-sharing. For example, I purchased a movie or a game it does not matter. From close circle I told lots of people, that I can resell purchased product for quarter of the price and do my own profits. In that case creator is damaged. So how copyright law should be confident that the product is gathered by legal ways.


“Moral Rights Unchanged” says that nobody should be allowed to claim the ownership unless they really are. I have doubts about that and I tell you why shortly. For example I work for a company and I have created some program. That creation is copyrighted under my company’s name and ownership and if I use that program to advance some other application, it would be viewed as a piracy. So there are some loops in that law. And I agree to the speech “Give credit where credit is due”.


Internet is world wide connection between users and it is really hard sometimes to locate an owner. New templates and website designs are created daily, thousands of stories are written and millions of pictures and songs published. And regular users can break the copyright law and be in a serious problem within minutes so that he/she won’t realize what happened when they downloaded some old content from a web browser just for themselves. Renewing copyright policy yearly for me makes sense with correct contact information etc. Because it really limits the creativity and I understand that other parties may experience financial damages, but introducing reasonable legislations more likely will benefit both sides.




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