2004 Information Society Report to the Parliament of Finland by Pekka Himanen Week 4

 Resources: https://web.archive.org/web/20170221105053/https://www.eduskunta.fi/FI/tietoaeduskunnasta/julkaisut/Documents/tuvje_1+2004.pdf

    After reading 2004 information society report to the Parliament of Finland by Pekka Himanen I just could not disagree with even one word. Seems like a man really saw what was coming and put his efforts to display it on the paper in front of Committee.

    Changes we can do together is so simple and that it is funny just to watch 75% of the world to sink in the ocean. The distribution of money is very unfair. Gap between rich and poor people. With just simple distribution everyone can get education at universities and schools and have food at home. USA is printing so much money and invest in military trillions of dollars. The mentality still kills the world. Preparing army for "star wars" ? More than half the earth dies in poverty, even more the natural life is destroyed daily. Animals are dying, Trees are cut, Oceans are polluted, Ice is melting and global warming just don't want to talk about it. We give piece of paper every meaning of our life. And it would be a good practice if that money was consumed in a meaningful way. Crimes increase, because of money that people need for survival. Then they go to jail, which costs more for government, when they can pay for studies. It is not fair.

    Increased stress in people leads to hundreds of diseases in a long term. Stomach problems, mental problems etc. Working whole day and returning at home terribly exhausted, you have no time left for your family or self-development. This is very often the reason for breaking up marriages and leading to little children's mental problems when they see their family apart. The writer suggests us to pursue company manager's to have their own gym at work so people can relief from stress and work less, but effective. Healthy working group will achieve more. At work from managers and senior to be friendly and supportive is crucial because, when you give an employee a credit for a good work and you will show him/her how important this done job was for company and for lots of people will make realise this person to contribute more and more. 

    Another important topic that writer underlined was tolerance. Cutting borders and become international, opens lots of opportunities for everyone. Starting from international students, which have many possibilities to contribute in "good work". For universities to be international friendly is a great, and local government can really have a benefit from those students.

    Another issue that was mentioned in the report was the motivation towards the job. It is undeniable that nowadays the main motivator is money, but if we look in the past centuries the biggest creations were in art and similar kinds of fields, and we know that for artists the passion was the main motivator. This is what Pekka tried to explain, that people need to see the love towards their workload. If they will do what they love, people will do anything for that.



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